Other VB Functions


Evaluates an expression of VB code and returns the result


Function myFunc()
MsgBox("Hello world!")
End Function

Function otherFunc()
Eval("myFunc()") ' This will execute myFunc()
End Function


Returns a Boolean that perform variable type tests.

RGB(red, blue, green)

Returns a number that represents a RGB color. Each color is a number from 0 to 255.


Returns a number that represents the variable type. See table below.

VB VarTypes Table
0vbEmpty - Indicates Empty (uninitialized)
1vbNull - Indicates Null (no valid data)
2vbInteger - Indicates an integer
3vbLong - Indicates a long integer
4vbSingle - Indicates a single-precision floating point number
5vbDouble - Indicates a double-precision floating point number
6vbCurrency - Indicates a currency
7vbDate - Indicates a date
8vbString - Indicates a string
9vbObject - Indicates an automation object
10vbError - Indicates an error
11vbBoolean - Indicates a boolean
12vbVariant - Indicates a variant (used only with arrays of Variants)
13vbDataObject - Indicates a data-access object
17vbByte - Indicates a byte
8192vbArray - Indicates an array

Note: If the variable is an array VarType() returns 8192 + VarType(array_element). Example: for an array of integer VarType() will return 8192 + 2 = 8194.